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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Blogging 2009

This is probably my last blog for 2009, not that I've done many anyway but I'm in a mood of review which I suppose is typical for this time of year. And old dogs can learn new tricks because I hit 54 this year I sure learned a lot of new stuff:

* How to blog
* How to Twitter
* Joined Facebook
* Joined & blogged on Active Rain (easy breezy site)
* Joined Huddle but haven't used it much yet but like the concept
* Joined Trulia - don't go to that one much
* Linkedin - don't go to this one much either but I think I need to.
* Joined Zillow (like being able to find values-although I wouldn't use them as absolutes)
* Just today joined Blogger.com to see how I like it
* Got a BlackBerry & learned how to use it (sort of)

Whew! Makes me tired just looking at the list! The main thing for me is trying to find the one, two or three that work best for me because like everyone else you just can't work with all of them everyday or even every week & still do you're work at the office, home, etc.

My fav 3 social media sites have become Twitter, Facebook & Active Rain. The reasons are that Twitter & Facebook are short, fast & to the point & they are easy to access on my BlackBerry. I like being able to answer peoples questions on Twitter & Facebook or help them through a sticky land title situation. Active Rain is simply so easy to use & it's fun to collect the points. I have no idea how those points will ever help me professionally or otherwise but for some reason I like to watch them accumulate. My favorite blog I posted was on Active Rain this year, it was a contest for a blog on childhood memories. I've included the link if you want a quick funny read. http://activerain.com/blogsview/1166401/dogs-cats-rattlesnakes-my-childhood-memories-of-home

So, that's it, Technology 101 for Taresa in 2009!